When discipline alone can’t stop you self-sabotaging your health 🥲
When discipline isn’t enough to stop self-sabotaging your health or your goals, it’s time to look deeper. 🕵🏻♀️
The part of you that is causing you to self-sabotage is acting out of fear:
Fear of you experiencing pain, shame, or rejection, should you meet your goal. 🙃😌
OR fear of what it will mean for you to take the action steps required in order to meet your goal.
This part of you is quite literally willing to do anything to keep you from being at risk of experiencing these emotions (fear, shame, rejection) - emotions you experienced or witnessed when you were young, that in some way, shape, or form mirror what it is you are working towards with your current goals. 🫶🏼
Sounds dramatic?
Sounds like this couldn’t possibly apply to you?
I’ll share some examples below. Notice if any emotional reaction comes up while reading.
👉🏼 Say you grew up hearing that women who are attractive are ‘dumb’ or ‘asking for it’…
So your whole life you’ve inadvertently eaten in excess so you remain ‘larger’ (and therefore not at risk of being perceived like that ^) and now you’re struggling to lose excess weight..
👉🏼 Say you were once shamed for your glasses and the way you dressed
And now you struggle to embrace your inner self confidence so you ‘skip’ gym days nearly every week to avoid being ridiculed for how you look (because gym = building self confidence in your appearance, or maybe you associate being fit with gym girls who flaunt their bodies over social media looking strong, confident, and not ashamed of what they are wearing)..
👉🏼 Say you grew up in an environment where self-care and health were not prioritised. Maybe you grew up without much money, and things like the gym or health food shops were looked at through the lens of ‘what a waste of money and resources. We have all we need right here: We have food, a family, and a roof over our head. What more do we need? Those extras are luxuries that stem from greed and selfishness.’
And now, despite knowing better about health and having health as a core value, you find it hard to financially invest money (and maybe even prioritise the time) for those things without really knowing why..
Everyone’s upbringing has been different, and yet we ALL have an inner child part of us that is just trying to protect us from experiences we had when we were young. Protect us from potential shame, rejection, and pain from those we love, and from potential exclusion from the pack.
This is primal behaviour - Driven by our subconscious, so you may not even be aware that you are doing it OR be aware of WHY you avoid things or self-sabotage despite having ALL the right intentions.
It’s normal. It doesn’t make you defective, wrong, or not able to achieve fantastic results.
It just means that to move through and beyond these subconscious blocks, you need to show that part of you some loving, and perhaps rewire subconscious limiting beliefs or let those parts go.
This is the work I do with my clients in my 1:1 spaces and it is truly, beyond words, life changing. 🧡
Let me know below if this resonated. 😊
Mon xx