8-Week, High-Level Coaching

For the woman who is ready to step into her most aligned and empowered self
and reach her full potential in her health, in her body, and her life!

~ Nutrition, fitness, relationship with your body/food/movement, trauma, healing ~

  • Get crystal clear on your goal and set up effective action steps;

  • Clear away resistance, blocks, and limiting beliefs around achieving your goal which have been showing up as self-sabotaging behaviour;

  • Build self-trust and self-love in your relationship with your health, body, mind, and soul;

  • Build your dream life from a place of empowered alignment!

This is a container in which you are held through the depths of any resistance and internal blocks you may have towards reaching your goal and/or towards your relationship with your health, body, food, or fitness.

Your vulnerability here is celebrated - The more you are willing to meet yourself where you truly are at, the greater the healing and transformation on the other side.

🔑 Get crystal clear on your top health goal (e.g. nutrition, fitness, relationship with your body/food/movement) and set up effective action steps required to reach it;

🔑 Clear conscious and subconscious resistance and fear around completing your action steps or around embodying the end result of the goal;

🔑 Build a tool belt of resources and knowledge, and an action plan that propels you towards your goal;

🔑 Fast track your results with a coach who illuminates your blindspots, is a sounding board when things come up, and calls you out on your blocks and limiting thought patterns.

This is for you if:

  • You are not crystal clear on what you want to achieve or on the action steps needed to reach it;

  • You are so overwhelmed by the multitude of information (and misinformation) around nutrition/fitness/your body, that you don’t know where to start or what is right for you;

  • You are clear on your goal, but something isn’t working:

    • You are torn between prioritising the goal versus living and enjoying life and nurturing your relationships;

    • You rely more on motivation and external accountability than on intrinsic discipline;

    • You have learnt all the mindset and habit hacks, worked with all the coaches, purchased all the products, but you still can’t stay consistent;

    • Prioritising your needs or desires feels yucky.

And you want to experience:

  • You are crystal clear on what you want to achieve, and the action steps required actually light you up;

  • You are the embodiment of your accomplished health goal OR you are well on the way to reaching it with ease;

  • You know exactly how to self-manage any resistance and/or triggers that arise as you move towards accomplishing your health goal;

  • You embody a steady balance of masculine structure keeping you on track, and feminine flow as you navigate life while reaching your goal;

  • You are not thrown off track when life happens;

  • Resistance is removed, and action steps are EASY!

  • Increased self-awareness and self-trust;

  • You have a solid relationship with your food, movement, your body.


  • 8x 60-75 minute 1:1 coaching sessions (1x every week), diving into:

    • A structured and proven approach to goal setting, goal revising, and formulating clear and personalised action steps;

    • Practices and tools tailored to facilitating somatic and energetic clearing, inner child healing, and subconscious reprogramming - To heal and shift and transmute your energy from a deep, cellular level;

    • Coaching related to your goal e.g. nutrition, lifestyle, fitness, mindset, etc.

    • Mindset mastery, stress management, etc.

  • Additional coaching support offered between sessions, Mon-Frid AEST

  • Weekly action steps for you to follow, tailored to your specific goal

  • Free access to eBook:

    • ‘Guide to Living in Feminine Cycle Flow’


AU $1,555


  • "Dear Mon, you were sent to me from above. Your help is exactly what I was missing. You are a top professional! From the very few moments, I realized how you were born to help people heal their emotional wounds. With you, I immediately felt so relaxed. It was as if you wrapped me in kindness, warmth, light, love, and care. You created a space of trust, safety, ease, and I would even say magic!"


  • "Mon is a wonderful facilitator, her wisdom and kindness guide you to connect with and integrate layers of yourself that you didn't realize needed attention. Her holistic approach will surely help you improve your life!"


  • "I loved how guided I felt, especially with my eyes closed. I usually worry about 'When do I open my eyes?' or 'How do I do this?' but the guided meditation allowed me to fully surrender to those questions and follow your voice for guidance. You allowed me to feel powerful when you mentioned I was moving intuitively, giving myself even more permission to play around with the positions of my hands and arms."


  • "I loved how you held space honestly. You were very professional, but also down to earth and listening like a safe space. I appreciated that you were very grounded and didn't get scared or overwhelmed. You know in times of crisis you need that emotionally stable person around, I felt like you really embodied this."


  • "Mon has a very warm, intuitive, warm, nurturing, and grounding presence and way of guiding. She makes sure you feel seen and cared for which is in and of itself incredibly healing. She has a way of holding the space so that you can surrender deeply into the self and present moment without worrying about anything else going on. I would 100% recommend trying a session with her."


  • "Everything about her is perfect! A true professional. She knows what she is doing. It's as if she has been doing psychotherapy her whole life. There is nothing better than meeting a person who is in the right place."


  • "Allow yourself to have one and more than one therapeutic session with Mon. She is an excellent therapist, an excellent person, she has a divine soul and you will feel in a safe space to heal. It is important that you really open your heart because Mon has a lot to offer you, you just have to open your heart and allow yourself to feel and receive the wisdom of Mon."


  • "Mon is an incredibly professional and empathetic coach equipped with incredibly powerful modalities (somatics, subconscious, energetic practices etc.). Go with her if you wish to live a holistic experience and have a great supporter by your side!"


  • "The way you connected things to my core wounds and distilled what the root cause was my favourite part. It's like finally the puzzle was getting solved and I had the 'Aha' moment."


  • "You meet people where they need to be met and allow them to open up to you. You so easily create a safe space allowing for vulnerability to come up and not once did I feel any judgement. If anything I felt seen and supported."


  • "You facilitated me through healing a deep wound that I have held from childhood and I felt it release! You are so easy to open up to and that makes the whole experience very comfortable. Overall so worth it! I felt a change straight away."


  • "Mon is a wonderful facilitator, her wisdom and kindness guide you to connect with and integrate layers of yourself that you didn't realize needed attention. Her holistic approach will surely help you improve your life!"


  • "Mon, you are very good at guiding me through a transformational experience. You make me feel safe and validated, which makes it easy to meet the depths of myself."


  • "Definitely go! And not just for one session, but for as many as is needed to resolve any unresolved issues. Mon is truly a professional and she has the gift of healing the soul!"


  • "Mon was amazing... She incorporated a few different techniques, parts work being one of them, and I can easily say it was one of the best (coaching) sessions I have ever had. She asked the right questions and facilitated a very healing and comforting session. She was also very sensitive to my needs and feelings."


  • "I loved everything. I love Mon, haha, I think she is the best in the world."


This isn’t just another superficial container that only highlights the practical and actionable and the conscious mindset WITHOUT taking into account your subconscious energy and limiting somatic blocks.

  • It is about getting to know WHY you may struggle to stay consistent with your goals, or WHY you repeatedly self-sabotage despite your best efforts;

  • It provides somatic healing at the root of any subconscious blocks or resistance, that may have been showing up as self-sabotage REGARDLESS of any mindset, manifestation, or habit-specific action steps you have been implementing.

  • Support offered consistently along these 8-weeks provides an invaluable opportunity to navigate in real time, any challenges or struggles you may experience throughout. Therefore, the transformation on the other side is profound!!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Absolutely! Reach out either through my ‘Contact’ page or via email at hello@monkinloch.com with a brief description of what you are looking for help with, and I will be in touch to help you navigate which offer is right for you.

    You are welcome to book in a free 20-30 minute consultation call here to get any and all of your questions about my offers or what it is like to work with me, answered in real time. This is also a fantastic opportunity to get to know me on a personal level before diving into a coaching offer.

  • Definitely! I often say that the two keys to achieving your goals are both the masculine (setting and locking in specific goals with clear action steps) and the feminine (the emotion and mindset work while you are working towards your goals).

    I currently offer an 8-week coaching container, within which we can dive deep into both keys. Not only will this have you feeling SO clear on your top health goal and the action steps needed to get there, you will have direct access to me to dive into and navigate anything that may be coming up for you (doubt, limiting beliefs, lack of time) throughout your process.

    I also offer ‘single session’ holistic health coaching as a one-off session, 3x pack, and a 6x pack of sessions. These sessions are a great way to dive into what may be going on beneath the surface that is causing you to struggle to maintain your health goals, without the financial outlay or full commitment of an 8-week container. Please note, these sessions do not include additional coaching outside such as check ins or additional coaching resources.

  • Simply put - Inner child healing involves a variety of tools and modalities that are all aimed at addressing those beliefs that you formed when you were young, that may still be interfering with the way you want to live your life now. It involves a mixture of conscious and subconscious reprogramming, and somatic healing (these modalities are explained in greater detail in other FAQ).

    When we are young, our brains are like sponges and they form beliefs based on what we see, hear, and experience. These beliefs are formed in response to what we interpret will provide us with love and acceptance, or alternatively what will lead us to experience pain, shame, or rejection (i.e. ‘If I do X, I will be loved, but if I do Y, I will be shamed’).

    These beliefs may serve us in the moment, however, unless they are addressed later on in life, they will continue to show up and dictate the way we interpret the world and move through it. This is because even though we may consciously outgrow certain beliefs, most of our early-formed core belief systems reside deep within our subconscious and cellular memory, and they may need a little more loving to feel comfortable to release their grip. As long as they are still running the show, these beliefs often show up in ways that we no longer want to entertain e.g. self-sabotaging behaviours.

  • You may benefit from inner child healing if you:

    • Experience self sabotage patterns that you can't seem to shake;

    • Have an 'all or nothing' mindset towards your goals, which is a problem when life happens and your routine gets out of wack, or it causes you to be so overwhelmed you just give up;

    • Know all the tools, techniques, and tricks to meet your goals, but something isn't working because you keep falling off the wagon no matter how 'onto it' you try to be;

    • Feel a deep-seeded sense of resentment, sadness, or anger towards parts of your upbringing;

    • Struggle with your body image, unhealthy eating patterns, and/or exercise patterns;

    • Find yourself unable to control your emotions.. which often gets you into trouble within your relationships;

    • KNOW you are meant for more in this lifetime - be it in your relationships, financially, or within your lifestyle... But you just can't seem to break through the ceiling that is your life right now.

    *This list is not exhaustive, and inner child beliefs/wounds may show up in a multitude of other ways.

    If you are unsure whether inner child healing is right for you, please reach out via my ‘Contact’ page or via email at hello@monkinloch.com - I am always happy to chat and answer any questions!!

  • Subconscious reprogramming involves bringing beliefs and patterns that exist within our subconscious (i.e. beyond of our conscious awareness) to our awareness so that we can shift them on a conscious level. It can involve reprogramming certain memories to release stored trauma regarding these memories, reprogramming certain belief systems, and potentially a somatic component. Modalities include hypnotherapy, EFT tapping, and NLP.

    90-95% of our mind lies within our subconscious, which means our daily habits, our deep-rooted belief systems, and the choices we typically make throughout our day are not controlled by our conscious mind. We are not aware of them. They just exist behind the scenes, dictating the way we interact with the world.

    Of course, we could just accept this and move on with our lives, however most of our deep-rooted belief systems (which form our thoughts and emotional responses to things) were formed when we were young (0-18 years), and therefore unless we challenge them, we are continuing to respond to the world around us through the lens of these beliefs (which may not even actually align with us anymore). This means we aren’t taking full control of our lives.

    Subconscious reprogramming is beneficial to EVERYONE! If you’re reading this right now, I know you are committed to becoming your best version of self, and I guarantee you will benefit from thisp process to shift out of those pesky self-sabotaging behaviours that keep creeping in and disrupting your progress.

  • Somatic healing involves healing trauma and/or releasing emotion that has been stored within our physical body - within our cellular DNA. It helps build a connection with your body and connect with those parts of you that are still holding onto stored trauma or emotion, to release that energy. It may involve connection to each of your senses, internal family systems (parts work), dance, etc.. It is an integral part of inner child healing, and it complements subconscious reprogramming beautifully.

    It is often thought that trauma and intense emotional experiences are processed solely within the mind (and not our physical body) but this is not the case. Our physical body is equally involved in the experience, and traditional therapy modalities such as talk therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) do not address this part of the equation. Therefore, although you may have ‘worked through an issue’ or resolved a traumatic experience or intense emotional experience on a mental level, your cellular body may still very much hold onto the experience and halt your ability to fully move forward.

    Further, emotions that are not completely expressed and released, get trapped within your cellular body just the same. Any time your emotional experience has been suppressed (think any time you have been told to stop crying or to ‘pull yourself together’) these emotions will sit within your cellular body until they are witnessed and/or released. Stored emotional energy can manifest as illness or disease, weight gain, chronic gut issues, fatigue, etc.

    Somatic healing will benefit you if you have experienced the following:

    • You have been trying to work through certain ‘blocks’ for ages, tried all the talk therapy, yet you can’t seem to move beyond it;

    • You have experienced chronic illness, gut issues, fatigue, depression, anxiety, or just a general feeling of being weighed down or not feeling 100%;

    • You feel disconnected from your physical body;

    • You don’t resonate much with talk therapy, or you are keen to heal any stored trauma you may experience, without re-hashing old memories.

  • Absolutely not! It is definitely possible to heal from stored trauma and reprogram your mind without re-imagining certain memories. This imeans that it is definitely possible to heal from memories you don’t even consciously remember.

    As a trauma-informed coach, I facilitate both subconscious reprogramming and somatic healing. Therefore, I ensure you are ALWAYS listening to your body when going into a subconscious healing journey. Your safety is my upmost priority, the depth/intensity/process of any coaching experience is determined by you!

  • No, I am no longer offering this service. However, I as a holistic health coach I am more than available to help you workshop your fitness, nutrition, and health goals to come up with a clear program and schedule that works well for you, within any 1:1 coaching session*.

    *Please know that this is not a personal training service. Therefore, I am not offering individualised and complete workout plans.

    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out via my ‘Contact’ page, or via email at hello@monkinloch.com

  • Holistic Health Coaching ‘Single sessions’:

    • 1:1 coaching sessions that offer the magic and healing of a 1:1 coaching experience without the financial outlay or full commitment of a longer-term, high-level coaching container.

    • A great way to dip your toes into the coaching experience and deepen and heal your relationship to your health and body.

    • You will NOT have access to coaching support or extra resources outside of each session.

    • These are available as a one-off session, a 3x pack, or a 6x pack or sessions. The packs offer slightly better value financially.

    8-Week, High-Level Coaching:

    • Essentially a ‘high-level’ experience of coaching where you are experiencing the magic of 1:1 coaching calls, all directed to a particular goal (for real depth of healing), along with added check-ins outside of the 1:1 calls, and extra resources/support.

    • You will also receive two of my free e-books: a ‘Guide to Living in Feminine Cycle Flow’, and a 'Cycle-Syncing Habit Tracker and Journal'.

    • The price of this container reflects a ‘higher-level’ experience.

  • Yes, I do!

    Unfortunately, due to restrictions on the scheduling program I use, I am unable at present to showcase payment plans on my website. *If this changes, I will add them straight in!

    I never want money to be a reason you feel that you can’t invest in yourself, your health, or your highest timeline.

    Should you desire a payment plan, do not hesitate to reach out via email at hello@monkinloch.com or via my ‘Contact’ page. I am more than happy to accommodate.

    You are also welcome to book in a free 20-30 minute consultation call to discuss pricing, payment plans, and the best option for you. Book in here.

    *Please note, payment plans are NOT available for ‘1x session’ Holistic Health Coaching ‘Single Sessions’.