Approaching your health from a place of ‘body first’
I let my body lead the decisions I make around my health.
I no longer approach my health (my fitness, my nutrition, my relationship with my body) from a place of:
🫵🏼 ‘I need to approach X health routine in this very specific way to do it ‘right’!’
🫵🏼 ‘I need to maintain a certain physical appearance or I won’t ‘look’ healthy!’
🫵🏼 ‘I need to be SUPER disciplined with this routine or I will have failed!’ or
🫵🏼 ‘I need to follow things the way X on social media or in X business tells me is right, rather than follow my own intuition!’
Instead, I let my body lead.
I let my body tell me what she needs, wants, desires.
And equally what she doens’t need, want, or desire.
And I follow that.
The result?
✨ I workout in a way that feels ALIGNED and FUN (and that actually accounts for the inevitable hormonal fluctuations around my menstrual cycle);
✨ I eat in a way (for the most part) that feels NOURISHING and FULFILLING rather than restrictive, boring, and is a constant struggle to maintain;
✨ I am grateful for all that my body allows for me, rather than ‘how much I weigh’ or ‘what size my clothes are’ (this is a HUGE mindset shift and something I am constantly working on, but it makes a massive difference to the way I appraoch my health and on my relationship with my body).
I am now no longer living in a state of:
Unhealthy habits that are not maintainable
Rigid comparison between myself and others (this is a work in progress, but I definitely notice this has decreased with my mindset shifts and it is so freeing!)
Unhealthy views on myself thinking I am defective as I can’t maintain a strict diet or gym plan for more than 3-4 weeks without falling off the bandwagon
✨ I find JOY and EXCITEMENT in keeping health a priority. My practices change as they need to, and that is so FREEINGGGGG!!! 🧡🧡🧡
Honestly these mindset shifts are something I am SO passionate about helping women with, and I spend a lot of time within my 1:1 spaces shifting things on a subconsicous and somatic level so these shifts are possible for my clients.
✏️ What are your thoughts on this mindset shift? Let me know in the comments below. 😘
Mon xx