You CANNOT ‘suppress’ yourself to healthy
Any symptoms you experience within your body, are your body trying to come back to a state of balance.
You CANNOT ‘suppress’ yourself to healthy! 🙅🏻♀️🚫🙅🏻♀️
There.. I said (wrote) it. 😝
Your body is ALWAYS trying to find a sense of balance (technically called homeostasis), and whenever you experience any ‘symptoms’ within your body, essentially those symptoms are the manifestation of your body adjusting to something and trying to correct anything that may have been throwing it out of balance or ‘homeostasis’.
For example:
Weight gain may be caused by your body storing excess calories you have consumed repeatedly, as fat
Diarrhoea may be caused by your gut trying to quickly eliminate something you ate recently that didn’t sit well with it
Feeling tired while fighting an infection is due to your body sending most of its resources to fighting the bug, so there is less for you to utilise in other ways
When you think of symptoms in this way - cause > effect - you can understand that your body is going to deal with ANYTHING you ingest and ANYTHING you experience, as effectively as it can to try to maintain a state of homeostasis, or balance.
Therefore, it makes sense then that when you are already experiencing symptoms, adding something ON for your body to deal with, is not really going to fix or reverse the underlying symptom… Well, it might.. but you are just adding on a different lot of things now that your body will have to ‘compensate for’ (aka adjust to) rather than reversing/correcting the original issue in the first place.
To be abundantly clear here, you CANNOT:
🚫 Over-caffeinate yourself in an attempt to ‘have more energy’ without disrupting your adrenals (sorry not sorry, science backs me up here);
🚫 Heal’ what was CAUSING a headache with a pill, especially if it was caused by dehydration or tiredness;
🚫 Expect that your hormones will ‘bounce back’ after taking the pill to clear up your skin, because the pill only masks symptoms, it doesn’t correct anything (I blame the Western Medicine system for this one 🙃).
***I do need to add a disclaimer here that OF COURSE there are times where taking medications to ‘mask’ or ‘hide’ or ‘reverse’ symptoms is necessary, even if they themselves create their own new slew of symptoms.
The idea here is that as much as is possible, you look at healing from / reversing the root cause rather than adding something on that will only add to your body’s burden level.
The KINDEST way to ‘treat’, ‘reverse’, or ‘heal’ any of your symptoms is to actually look at what was CAUSING them, and working backwards. 🌻🦋🙏🏼
Yep, it’s often a boring and slower approach, BUT IT DOES NOT JEOPARDISE OTHER BODY SYSTEMS IN THE PROCESS (which is what happens when you ‘suppress’ the symptoms with a quick fix. 🙏🏼✨
How do you approach your health from a ‘heal from the root cause’ approach?
Among other things:
Make sure you are up to date with your health screening and blood tests, so you know what your nutrient status is and what area of your health may need further looking after;
Always remember your basics
Are you getting enough rest?
Are you hydrated?
Does your stress management need improving?
Are you eating enough (but not too much) food including your macros and micros?
Have you been out in the fresh air and sunshine?
Check in with your body - What is she asking of you? Do you need to address either of the above questions? Have you been over-exerting yourself in the gym recently?
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Sooo, in case you missed it, I released a podcast 🎙️ earlier this year diving deep into this conversation. You can check out that episode here. She gets 🌶️ spicy🌶️ in this ep. 🥵
The episode is a reminder we ALL need to hear at one point or another.
Did you need this reminder today? Let me know what YOU have been ‘suppressing’ in the comments below. 🧡
Mon xx