Mon Kinloch

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How to get out of your own way

Have you ever noticed that the more something feels truly ‘right’ for you in your core, the more you either consciously or subconsciously fight it, run away from it, ignore it?… maybe even for years… or for your entire life?

It seems to be that those things that matter the most to us on a deeply visceral level- the love we always wanted to experience in a relationship, the way of life we always dreamed of living… These seem to be the exact things that we find the hardest to embrace, accept, or embody within ourselves and our own lives.

When you actively choose that which allows you to stay where you are rather than allowing you to reach whatever it is that you ACTUALLY want, you are effectively getting in your own damn way.

And it sucks.

It sounds totally counterproductive, right? The mere idea of it personally triggers me. I don’t want to be standing in my own way. I don’t want to be a victim to the voice in my head that tells me ‘I shouldn’t’ or ‘I couldn’t’ or ‘Why not just stay where you are? At least you know it’s safe here.’

The fact that I do listen to that voice at times frustrates me. Because I want to be better than that. I want to feel that I am in control of my life.

But here’s the thing. I CAN be. And so can you. 

So how to get out of your own way:

✨ It is about recognising that it is when we step outside of our own comfort zone that we grow;

✨It is about holding space for the fear that creeps up from deep within us so we can comfort and love that part of ourselves that is trying to protect us, rather than pushing it away into a shadow aspect of self;

✨ It is about remembering constantly that perfection does not exist, and therefore that anything that does not work out is not a failure but rather a lesson learned or a beautiful re-direction.

This is where the magic happens. This is where we are able to get out of our own way so we can actively work towards obtaining the things we most want in life. This is where we clear the space for those things to come towards us.

So here’s a blog to celebrate stepping outside of my comfort zone, to feeling embracing the fear, and to acknowledging that it is ok for things to not work out as I had planned.

How can you do the same within your own life?

Mon xx